Dr. Robinson's 3-4 classroom blog from 2012-2016

The students in Dr. Robinson's 3-4 Team studied South Hero History for 6 years and took many field trips around town.
Click on this link to see where the students went around town and what townsfolk they met along the way.


At the end of 2018 Lake Champlain Access Television [LCATV] started filming our presentations. Their output is 2 to 4 times sharper than the videos I was putting up. That means it takes a little longer to get the video to start. [The reason I reduced the quality level of my videos.] Their production is different than mine and you will notice that immediately.
When you click on a video, it starts to load. It will take about 30 seconds [an eternity when you are waiting] to start playing. The speakers will start to sound and the video will look like it is not running for about 23 seconds. LCATV puts up an identification POSTER for those 23 seconds. Don't be alarmed, it is running if you can hear the sound.

The old WEB guy

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Annual Meeting and Sandbar Restaurant Program by Bill and Ron Phelps

Sept. 18, 2013 Dear SHHS Members, We would like to invite you to our very first SHHS Annual Meeting on Oct. 4, 2013 at the Folsom School starting at 6:30. We will be voting on the By-Laws which a committee worked on this year. We will present a Treasurer's report and a budget for next year. We will ask for your input into projects you would like to see the society consider and future programs you would like to see the society host. We will also host Bill and Ron Phelps telling stories of their grandfather Benajah Phelps and their great-uncle Sydney Phelps who built and operated the Sandbar Restaurant, otherwise known as the Phelps House. In addition to collecting tolls for the bridge, they operated an inn and a restaurant. This grandfather also planted the trees at the south end of South Street. Great-grandfather Benajah was also postmaster, as well as having fought in the Civil War. All are welcome to share in an important part of our local history. Members have received via email or snail mail
the President's report of the society's activities for the past year and a copy of the By-Laws which we will need to vote on that night. Please take a moment to look them over and if you have any questions you may email us or call our president, Terry Robinson at 372-3933. Thank you for your input and support. We hope to see you Friday, Oct. 4. Your SHHS Executive board, President-Terry Robinson Vice-president-Peg Clark Treasurer-Sue Crowley Secretary--Dolf Wirsing Trustees-Bret Corbin, Judy Duval, Ken Rocheleau and Hazel Quelch

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